Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Greatest Prime Minister in Canadian History for Promoting Ethnic Essay

The Greatest Prime Minister in Canadian History for Promoting Ethnic Diversity and Communities was Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Essay Example Declarations and policies which were centered on creating a diverse community were then made under his jurisdiction (Wood, Gilbert, 2005). The continuous agenda of Trudeau and the way in which he promoted multiculturalism is one which continues to be used today with initiatives through the policies and political actions which were first implemented by Trudeau. The concept of multiculturalism was pushed by Trudeau because of the changing climate and environment in Canada and the world. Trudeau came into power after World War II and through various world revolutions based on cultural diversity and ethnic equality. Canada was also experiencing a large amount of immigrant pressures from other regions, specifically which began as an offset from World War II. The social pressures of this time were based on the desire to offer minorities the same potential as others in society while integrating opportunity. Trudeau followed these social pressures and stigmas with his own vision of creating an ethnically diverse set of communities through policies and procedures expected in society (Driedger, 2001). When Trudeau came into power in 1968, his main agenda was to promote the concept of ethnic diversity. From the 17th century, Canada had a large influx of immigration that came into the country. Before this time, there were also diversity promotions in terms of both Aboriginal land and those who had found the contemporary nation of Canada. As this grew and continued to divide, ethnic communities began to be more visible within the Canadian territories, specifically because of physical and racial differences. The largest influx came during the World Wars, based on those from Europe that began to migrate to America from the war. Asian communities also began to establish during this time. As the racial differences were noted, it was also expected that a

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